Head of Faculty Board
Prof. Dr. Özlem ÇAKIR
Web Akademik
Email ozlem.cakir[@]deu.edu.tr
Room Labour Economics and Industrial Relations
Internal Inter-Office Phonebook
Phone Inter-Office Phonebook
Members of Faculty Board
Prof. Dr. Özlem ÇAKIR
Web  Academic
Email ozlem.cakir[@]deu.edu.tr
Oda Labour Economics and Industrial Relations
Dahili Inter-Office Phonebook
Telefon Inter-Office Phonebook
Prof. Dr. Ali Kemal ŞEHİRLİOĞLU Prof. Dr. Ali Kemal ŞEHİRLİOĞLU
Web Academic
Email kemal.sehirli[@]deu.edu.tr
Room Econometrics
Internal Inter-Office Phonebook
Phone Inter-Office Phonebook
Prof. Dr. Gökhan TENİKLER
Web Academic
Email gokhan.tenikler[@]deu.edu.tr
Room Public Administration
Internal Inter-Office Phonebook
Phone Inter-Office Phonebook
Prof. Dr. Zeynep ARIKAN Prof. Dr. Zeynep ARIKAN
Web Academic
Email zeynep.arikan[@]deu.edu.tr
Room Public Finance
Internal Inter-Office Phonebook
Phone Inter-Office Phonebook
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Avni EGELİ Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Avni EGELİ
Web Academic
Email avni.egeli[@]deu.edu.tr
Oda Economics
Dahili Inter-Office Phonebook
Telefon Inter-Office Phonebook
Prof. Dr. Ali ÖZDEMİR Prof. Dr. Ali ÖZDEMİR
Web Academic
Email ali.ozdemir[@]deu.edu.tr
Room Business Administration
Internal Inter-Office Phonebook
Phone Inter-Office Phonebook
Prof. Dr. Vahap TECİM Prof. Dr. Vahap TECİM
Web Academic
Email vahap.tecim[@]deu.edu.tr
Room Management Information Systems
Internal Inter-Office Phonebook
Phone Inter-Office Phonebook
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Erdal ÖZKOL Prof. Dr. Ahmet Erdal ÖZKOL
Web Academic
Email erdal.ozkol[@]deu.edu.tr
Room Business Administration
Internal Inter-Office Phonebook
Phone Inter-Office Phonebook
Prof. Dr. Haluk EGELİ Prof. Dr. Haluk EGELİ
Web Academic
Email haluk.egeli[@]deu.edu.tr
Room Public Finance
Internal Inter-Office Phonebook
Phone Inter-Office Phonebook
Prof. Dr. Mert URAL Prof. Dr. Mert URAL
Web Academic
Email mert.ural[@]deu.edu.tr
Room Economics
Internal Inter-Office Phonebook
Phone Inter-Office Phonebook
Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Nurcan Hakan ÇIRAKLAR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurcan Hakan ÇIRAKLAR
Web Academic 
Email hakan.bay[@]deu.edu.tr
Room Business Administration
Internal Inter-Office Phonebook
Phone Inter-Office Phonebook
Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Levent YILMAZ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Levent YILMAZ
Web Academic
Email levent.yilmaz[@]deu.edu.tr
Room Public Administration
Internal Inter-Office Phonebook
Phone Inter-Office Phonebook
Assist. Prof. Dr. Efe SARIBAY
Web Academic 
Email efe.saribay[@]deu.edu.tr
Room Econometrics
Internal Inter-Office Phonebook
Phone Inter-Office Phonebook
Fakülte Sekreteri Faculty Secretary H.Aslan TÜRK
Web Personal
Email aslan.turk[@]deu.edu.tr
Room Dean’s Floor
Internal Inter-Office Phonebook
Phone Inter-Office Phonebook
Create Timestamp : 28/03/2013 10:55 | Last Update Timestamp : 27/01/2025 16:41