İzmir Uşak-Ulubeyliler Association Administrators and Members visited our faculty and planted two olive tree

“Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II” course of Assoc. Prof Dr. Alev GÖZCÜ can not be done today so it will be compensated in a future date.

Menderes Anatolian High School Students and Teachers Visited Our Faculty

Pedagogical Formation Certificate Program Pre-Registration

20. Traditional Public Finance Department Picnic

“Forming the Future: Towards Smart Factories” Event

April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day Celebration

2017-2018 Education Year Graduation Prom Tickets and Table Selection Operation

Our Faculty Football Team, 35th Rectorate Football Tournament Champion, celebrate the success by cutting the cake.

Uşak Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School students and teachers made a visit to get to know our faculty

Create Timestamp : 19/04/2018 14:42 | Last Update Timestamp : 19/04/2018 14:49