Attention to The students whose general grade avarage increase over 1,80 after the result of Basic Information Technologies Exemption Exam


Mentor & Mentee 2017 Project Presentation and Information Meeting Has Been Held

2017-2018 Academic Year Farabi Exchange Program Applications

2016-2017 Education Year Dokuz Eylül University Disabled Student Representative Selection will be held.

Mentor&Mentee 2017 Project is starting.

Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan KAHYAOĞLU was appointed as Professor

Dead of Prof.Dr. Kaan YARALIOĞLU’s Father

27 Şubat 2017 Pazartesi günü yapılamayacak olan Yrd.Doç.Dr. Alev GÖZCÜ’nün yürüttüğü; Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi dersi Maliye İ.Ö. için; 01 Mart 2017 Çarşamba günü B3 amfisinde, İşletme (Tek) İ.Ö. için ise; 03 Mart 2017 Cuma günü saat: 19:45’de B2 amfisinde telafi olarak yapılacaktır.

Attention to the Students who is Attended to Course “Basic Information Technologies” and will join Examption Exam at 2016-2017 Education Year Spring Semester

Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Fatma TEKTÜFEKÇİ was appointed as Professor

Create Timestamp : 20/02/2017 14:29 | Last Update Timestamp : 12/03/2017 19:33