The seminar titled “My Personal Development and Roadmap in Business ” was held on December 19, 2019 with the cooperation of Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (FEAS) and İzmir Provincial Directorate of Labor and Employment Institution.

Attention to Students Who Temporarily Use Different Cards for Attendancy Control System

Opportunity to Participate in Free Training for Students oranized by Istanbul Minerals and Metals Exporters’ Association


2020-2021 Academic Year Hungary Government Scholarships

Seminar Announcement titled “My Roadmap in Business and Personal Development”

Our Faculty’s previous Deans Prof. Dr. Öcal USTA and Prof. Dr. Pınar SÜRAL ÖZER visited our current Dean Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Avni EGELİ at his office.

23rd Consumer Awards Announcement


Izmir Universities Platform (IUP) Technology Days


Fire Extinguishing Training for Our Staff

Students Who are Eligible to Get a Food Scholarship

Create Timestamp : 10/12/2019 12:52 | Last Update Timestamp : 10/12/2019 13:04