Announcement about the “Sociology of Labor I” Quiz


The conference on Nomophobia (Fear of No Phone), which will be held by İzmir Strategic Planning, Governance, Research and Application Center and Pınar Ersöz Tezer will be join as a speaker, will be held on 16 December 2019 Monday at 16: 00-17: 00 in the Blue Hall of DEÜ FEAS.


Assist Prof. Dr. Armağan Ebru BOZKURT YÜKSEL was appointed as Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Turkish Education Foundation Presidency will organize an introductory seminar on “Turkish Education Foundation International Graduate Scholarships” on Monday, December 09, 2019 between 10:00 – 11:30 at the Faculty of Engineering Conference Hall.


Res. Assist. Serkan GENÇ will give a seminar titled “Blockchain Technology”.

Blood and Stem Cell Donation Campaign at Dokuzçeşmeler Campus

Dr. Engin Yücel gave a seminar titled “The Role of University-Industry Cooperation in Improving the Innovation Performance of Businesses”.

Date Change of Prof. Dr. Hakan KESER’s courses on 05.12.2019

IMMIB Academy Free Courses

2020-2021 Academic Year Europa College Master Programme Scholarship Application Started

Create Timestamp : 16/10/2019 13:35 | Last Update Timestamp : 16/10/2019 13:36