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Dışişleri Bakanlığı Avrupa Birliği Başkanlığı’ nın, 2020-2021 eğitim-öğretim yılında hukuk, ekonomi, sosyal bilimler, iletişim gibi ilgili alanlarda üniversite mezunu veya son sınıfta öğrenim gören İngilizce ve Fransızca dillerine hakim olan öğrencilere burs verilecek olup, söz konusu burs programına https://www.ab.gov.tr/52143.html internet adresinden 13 Ocak 2021 tarihine kadar başvuru yapılabileceği bildirilmektedir.
Dear Student, The Council of Higher Education (YOK) invites you to take part in a large-scale survey about studying in Turkey. This survey has been conducted since 2000 and serves to monitor and analyze the experiences of students. YOK constantly seeks to improve the quality of higher education in Turkey. By participating in this survey, […]
İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University will accept students for Private Law and Public Law Master’s and Doctorate programs with thesis and Economics Master’s program without thesis. Click here to see the details.
Students who take the Financial Accounting II course of the Labor Economics and Industrial Relations Department have been given the right to make an midterm excuse exam. İlgili öğrencilerin 24.06.2020 çarşamba günü saat 23:00’a kadar mazeret sınav hakkına ilişkin sorumluluklarını SAKAI üzerinden yerine getirmeleri önemle duyurulur. ÖZBAY, BİLGE GÜMÜŞBAŞ, EDA NUR POLAT, BUSE BURCU KOSE […]
TO THE ATTENTION OF OUR STUDENTS Pursuant to paragraph 4 of the 10th article of DEU Student Internship Directive, the documents listed below must be submitted to the advisory department of the DEU FEAS Student Affairs Office no later than 7 (seven) days before the internship starts. The application of the student who does not […]
To the Attention of the Students of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, In line with the decision taken by the Senate of our University on 06/05/2020 for the Spring semester exams of 2019-2020 academic year; 1. 2019-2020 academic year spring semester midterm exams, final exam and make-up exams will all be done by […]
Küresel COVID-19 salgını nedeni ile #universitemDEU 2020-2021 akademik yılı yurt dışından/yabancı uyruklu öğrenci kabul kontenjanları kapsamında başvurular 15 Temmuz 2020 tarihine uzatılmıştır. Başvuru koşulları ve detaylı bilgi için: http://deyos.deu.edu.tr
Dear Students, As a result of the decision, homework will be delivered through Sakai system instead of midterm exams. Homework submissions will be made between 1-12 June 2020. An announcement will be made regarding the final, make-up exmas and summer school.
Dear Students, As a result of the mandatory decision of YÖK due to the COVID-19 pandemic, distance education is carried out at our University. The courses will be conducted through the address http://online.deu.edu.tr. Synchronous (Live) courses will be held in the time zones in the program at the link below. Course hours will be maximum […]
Dear students, As it is known, as of 16 March 2020, education activities were suspended in our university within the scope of the measures taken against the epidemic risk caused by the New Corona Virus (COVID-19). In accordance with the announcement of the Higher Education Council (YÖK) dated 18 March 2020, distance education will be […]