Grade Conversion Table Used for Horizontal Student Transfer Operations Have Been Changed


Bank and Bank account numbers of the accounts where the lost smart card and diploma fees issued have been changed.

Story Competition about Drug Abuse Prevention


PTE Academic International Language Exam January-February 2020 exam dates, hours and capacities held by Atatürk University International Language Exams Coordinator

Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry Internship Applications

Students who Failed from the Courses due to non attendance for 2019-2020 Academic Year Fall Semester

2020 International Student Academy


Distance Education Students will be accepted to non-thesis master’s programs for 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring Semester in Mersin University Institute of Social Sciences


Assist Prof. Dr. Can AYDIN was appointed as Assoc. Prof. Dr.

The seminar titled “My Personal Development and Roadmap in Business ” was held on December 19, 2019 with the cooperation of Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (FEAS) and İzmir Provincial Directorate of Labor and Employment Institution.

Create Timestamp : 27/12/2019 15:49 | Last Update Timestamp : 27/12/2019 15:51