Lecturer Hilmi Yüksel was appointed as Professor

We congratulate him and wish all the best in his new position.

Lecturer Gülşah Atağan was appointed as Assistant Professor

We congratulate her and wish all the best in her new position.

Lecturer Ebru Tolay was appointed as Assistant Professor

We congratulate her and wish all the best in her new position.

Lecturer Timuçin Yalçınkaya was appointed as Assistant Professor

We congratulate him and wish all the best in his new position.

Student Affairs – Printed Forms

Unit Home Page Academic Calendar Regulations Forms FAQ Announcements Midterm Exam Schedule Excuse Exam Schedule Final Exams Schedule Final Excuse Sınav Programı Single Course Exam Schedule Attendancy Control System Course Contents Standart Dilekçe Örneği Kayıt Silme Dilekçesi Harç İade Formu Kayıt Dondurma Dilekçesi Tek/Üç Ders Sınavına Girme Dilekçesi Sınav Notuna İtiraz Dilekçesi Sınav Notu Açıklanmayan […]

Student Affairs – Regulations

Unit Home Page Academic Calendar Regulations Forms FAQ Announcements Midterm Exam Schedule Excuse Exam Schedule Final Exams Schedule Final Excuse Sınav Programı Single Course Exam Schedule Attendancy Control System Course Contents Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Öğretim Ve Sınav Uygulama Esasları DOKUZ EYLÜL ÜNİVERSİTESİ ÖĞRENCİ STAJ YÖNERGESİ TASLAĞI Önlisans ve Lisans Öğretim […]

Lecturer Göktuğ Cenk Akkaya was appointed as Professor

We congratulate him and wish all the best in his new position.

Lecturer Nevzat Şimşek was appointed as Associate Professor

We congratulate him and wish all the best in his new position.

Lecturer Nilgün Acar Balaylar was appointed as Associate Professor

We congratulate her and wish all the best in her new position.

Lecturer Olca Sürgevil was appointed as Associate Professor

We congratulate her and wish all the best in her new position.

Izmir Universities Economy Departments “Economy for All” Meetings

İZMİR ÜNİVERSİTELERİ EKONOMİ BÖLÜMLERİ “HERKES İÇİN EKONOMİ” TOPLANTILARI’nın birincisi 30 Kasım 2012, saat 17:00 -19:00 arasında Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Bordo Salonda yapılacaktır. “Kapitalizm Büyük Durgunluk Dönemeci ve Türkiye” Prof.Dr. Erinç YELDAN Yaşar Üniversitesi İİBF Dekanı

Student Affairs – Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Unit Home Page Academic Calendar Regulations Forms FAQ Announcements Midterm Exam Schedule Excuse Exam Schedule Final Exams Schedule Final Excuse Sınav Programı Single Course Exam Schedule Attendancy Control System Course Contents

Used Programs in our Faculty

You can reach programs by clicking the link ATTENTION : You can reach this programs only in our faculty network. You cant reach it from internet.

Erasmus – Courses

General Informations Bilateral Agreements Erasmus Courses FAQ Announcements This page can be followed from http://debis.deu.edu.tr/ders-katalog/2017-2018/index.html

Erasmus – Agreements

General Informations Bilateral Agreements Erasmus Courses FAQ Announcements This page can be followed from http://international.deu.edu.tr/?page_id=360