Prof. Dr. Hakan KESER was appointed as head of Labor Law and Social Security Law Division

Prof. Dr. Hakan KESER was appointed as head of Labor Law and Social Security Law Division We congratulate him and wish all the best in his new position.

Dr. Emrah GÜLAY was appointed as Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Fakültemiz Ekonometri Bölümü, İstatistik Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyelerinden Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Emrah GÜLAY, Doçent Unvanı Almıştır. Kendisini tebrik eder, başarılarının sürekli olmasını dileriz.

Prof. Dr. İsmail MAZGİT was appointed as the head of Division of Economics Theory and Economics History

Kendisine yeni görevinde başarılar dileriz.

Prof. Dr. Cenk ÖZLER was appointed as head of Econometrics Department

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Assist Prof. Dr. Levent YILMAZ was appointed as Vice Head of Public Administration Department

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Dr. Ayşegül ÇİMEN was appointed as Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Fakültemiz İşletme Bölümü, Muhasebe ve Finansman Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Elemanlarından Araş. Gör. Dr. Ayşegül ÇİMEN, Doçent Unvanı Almıştır. Kendisini tebrik eder, başarılarının sürekli olmasını dileriz.

End of Blood Stocks and Call for Blood Donation

Due to the serious decrease in blood donations due to the COVID-19 epidemic, blood stocks have been exhausted for the first time, thalassemia, leukemia, cancer and dialysis etc. treated in hospitals. In order to ensure that the blood needs of the patients continue, the blood needs cannot be met and the relatives of the patients […]

Assist Prof. Dr. Mehtap TUNÇ was appointed as Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Fakültemiz İktisat Bölümü, İktisadi Gelişme ve Uluslararası İktisat Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyelerinden Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mehtap TUNÇ, Doçent Unvanı Almıştır. Kendisini tebrik eder, başarılarının sürekli olmasını dileriz.

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Avni EGELİ was appointed as head of Economics Department

Kendisini tebrik ediyor ve yeni görevinde başarılar diliyoruz.

To the Attention of Our Faculty Students: About Distance Education

Dear students, As it is known, as of 16 March 2020, education activities were suspended in our university within the scope of the measures taken against the epidemic risk caused by the New Corona Virus (COVID-19). In accordance with the announcement of the Higher Education Council (YÖK) dated 18 March 2020, distance education will be […]

In our faculty, environmental disinfection procedures are carried out to be protected against coronavirus.

In our faculty, environmental disinfection procedures are carried out to be protected against coronavirus.


To view COVID-19 (SARS-CoV2 infection) guide.

Dr. Rabia Ece OMAY was appointed as Assoc. Prof.

Dr. Rabia Ece OMAY was appointed as Assoc. Prof. We congratulate her and wish all the best in her position.

Dr. Hakan BAY was appointed as Assistant Professor

Dr. Hakan BAY was appointed as Assistant Professor We congratulate him and wish all the best in his position.

“Accountants Week Panel” was held at Prof. Dr. Ömer YİĞİTBAŞI Conference Hall with a great participation on Wednesday, 4 March 2020.

“Muhasebeciler Haftası Paneli” 4 Mart 2020 Çarşamba günü Fakültemiz Prof. Dr. Ömer YİĞİTBAŞI Konferans Salonu’nda yoğun bir katılım ile gerçekleştirilmiştir.